A podcast about the work of making art


We Did The Artist's Way!

Marianne and Denise.png

In the 26th episode of Truer Words, we conclude our Artist’s Way journey by speaking with Denise Santomauro and Marianne Murphy about their experience with Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way

Denise is a teaching artist, actor, and writer/editor who works with arts integration and arts program management. Denise is on Twitter at @dasantamouro and Instagram @denisesantomauro. Her editing services are available at Angellela Editorial and Story Studio Chicago. Denise’s website is https://www.denisesantomauro.com/

Marianne is a teaching artist, poet, performer, animator and modern day da Vinci (per Melissa). Her classes are available at The Writing Center. Marianne can be found on Twitter @flamingoboots, Instagram @flamingoboots, and her website is flamingoboots.com. You can also buy her prints at Society6.

Mentioned in this Episode:

Hebru Brantley

Nevermore Park

Inside Nevermore Park

L’Atelier des Lumières
Carrières des Lumières

Georges Méliès

Hieronymous Bosch

Argosy Book Store

Mrs. Astor’s New York

Atlas Obscura

Martini Junction Train in the woods

Jim Henson

Leonardo da Vinci

Our episode with Christina Bryza

Oklahoma! revival on Broadway

Daniel Fish’s Dark Take on “Oklahoma!" in The New Yorker

Jud Fry the Incel? in Theatermania

Patrick Vaill

Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month)

Making Comics by Lynda Barry

About Us:

Truer Words is created and produced by Melissa Baumgart and Kathryn Benson. Our music was composed by Mike Sayre, and our logo was designed by Marianne Murphy.

You can follow us on Twitter @truerwordspod and on Instagram @truerwordspodcast. Contact us via our website, truerwordspodcast.com, or email us at truerwordspodcast@gmail.com.

Kathryn Benson